List of stories in order:
1. The Cremlin has dismissed reports that it compromising information of Donald Trumps bussines interests and personal life.
Facts in the story:
- The Cremlins lead spokeseman described the alligations as pop fiction.
- Among the accusasions denied was that they had a video of Donald Trumps salacious activities in a Moscow hotel.
- The lead spoke man called them false, a complete fabrication and utter nonsense.
- Donald Trump called the allegations a witch hunt.
Continuity: This story follows the accusations against President Trump.
Elite People: This story involves the President elect Donald Trump and some of the heads of government in Russia.
Facts in the story:
- Katie rough was found fatally injured in a playing field.
- The teenager who cant be named sat it the dock but didnt speak during the hearing.
- The charges are that on monday she murdered Katie Rough and at the same time she had an offence weapon (a knife).
- The 15 year old was put into secure youth accomidation awaiting trial.
Familiarity: It took place in England which is geographically close.
Negativity: It is a bad story as a young girl has been killed by a teen aged girl which is tradgic.
Facts in the Story:
- The ex health minister said he wold like to see a tax to help fund social care.
Familiarity: It is geographically close to us.
Continuity: It follows funding cuts which happened recently.
Elite People: It involves the Prime Minister.
4. The retail chain Wilco have been fined £2.2million after a worker was crushed and left paralised.
Facts in the Story:
- A metal cage filled with paint fell on 23 year old, Corisand Collins whilst working in a shop in Leicester in 2013.
- The company admitted liability.
Familiarity: It happened geographically close to us.
Surprise: It is a story which we dont often hear.
Facts in the story:
- The democratic unionist leader was forced to step down as first minister.
- If there is no resolution by monday Mr brokenshire will have the power to call an assembly ellection.
Familiarity: Its taking place in Britain where we live.
Continuity: It follows a political crisis thus its an ongoing thing.
Elite People: This story involves James Brockenshire (Norther Islands secutary).
6. A defendant slit his throat with a knife during sentancing.
Facts in the story:
Familiarity: The event happened geographically close to us.
Elite People: This story involves James Brockenshire (Norther Islands secutary).
6. A defendant slit his throat with a knife during sentancing.
Facts in the story:
- The 33 year old man had previously admited to sexual assault.
- It is unknown how he got the knife.
Familiarity: The event happened geographically close to us.
Surprise: Its an unusual story which we don't often come across.
7. A man has been charged with dangerous driving after a lorry was blown over on the fourth road bridge.
Facts in the story:
Familiarity: It happened geographically near.
Frequency: This type of story happens relativley oftem.
7. A man has been charged with dangerous driving after a lorry was blown over on the fourth road bridge.
Facts in the story:
- The road had been closed to high sided vehicle due to strong winds.
Familiarity: It happened geographically near.
Frequency: This type of story happens relativley oftem.
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