Wednesday 7 December 2016

BBC Radio 2 news analysis

List of news stories:
1: The 11 judges start reviewing article 50, about leaving the EU.
Facts In The Story:
They will discuss weather parlement should vote on it or not.
They decided MP's had to be consulted.
Article 50 is the process of leaving the EU.
News Values:
Familiarity: It is geographically close as its a story affecting the country in which we live.
Amplitude: It is a huge event that will effect a large number of people.
Predictability: It was something that was always going to happen.
Continuity: It is following the whole Brexit story.
Elite People: It involves the heads of the crown court who are elite people.

2: There are talks that school children should be taught so called British values to prevent racism.
Facts in the story:
The review was a request by David Cameron when he was prime minister.
News Values:
Familiarity: It is in England.

3: An English woman has been killed in Lapland.
Facts in the story:
She was stabbed.
She was working there for a tour company.
News Values:
Immediacy: This story has happened very recently.
Negativity: It is a bad story as someone has been killed.

4: The three ex football player who suffered abuse during the youth have now started an organisation which helps other people who have suffered abuse in the past.
Facts in the story:
It is called the Off side Trust.
 It has led to hundreds of other players coming forward.
News Values:
Familiarity: It is geographically close to us.
Continuity: This story comes after the coming forward of ex football players who suffered abuse.
Elite People: It involves elite ex football players.

5: An actor proposed to his girlfriend during a performance and they are now engaged.
Facts In The Story:
They were preforming in Peter Pan.
She said yes.
News Values: 
Frequency: Marriage proposals happen very often.
Elite People: It is a story about a famous actor.
Balance: It is used to balance all the other negative stories by being a happy positive story.

BBC Radio 4 analysis

1:The supreme court have began to hear the case of article 50, leaving the EU.
Facts in the story:
Article 50 is the process for leaving the EU.
It has been described as the biggest constitutional case for centuries.
The head of the court said that this case is about how leaving the EU is to happen and thats it.
The ruling is not expected till January.
News Values:
Familiarity: It is happening in the place in which we live.
Amplitude: It is an event which will effect lots of people.
Impact: It will have a big effect on many people.
Predictability: After the Brexit vote this was inevitable.
Continuity: This is an ongoing story and has and will be/ been for months.
Elite People: It involves the head of the crown court.

2: Italy's Prime minister has resigned after loosing a referendum.
Facts in the story:
He lost a referendum on constitutional reform.
The President will decide weather to elect a new prime minister or to disolve parliment and call an early election.
News Values:
Immediacy: It is a breaking story which has just happened.
Amplitude: It is a big story and an important one.
Continuity: It follows a referendum the has been discussed for months.
Elite People: It involves the now ex prime minister of Italy.

3: The German train worker who's negligence led to the death of 12 people has been jailed.
Facts in the story:
He has been jailed for 3 and a half years.
He was charged with involuntary man slaughter.
He confessed to playing on his phone when he was supposed to be working.
News Values:
Predictability: We expected that he would be jailed following his negligence.
Continuity: It follows the original story.

4: A British woman has been stabbed to death in Lapland.
Facts in the story:
She was working for a tour guide company in Lapland, Finland.
She was 25 years old.
News Values:
Immediacy: It has happened very recently and is thus breaking.
Negativity: It is a negative story as a woman has been murdered.

5: There are some people who are afraid to leave their homes due to religion or race due to fear of racism or islamiphobia.
Facts in the story:
A head of the muslim comunity said that they are as apposed to gender inequality as anyone else.
News Values:
Familiarity: It is happening in London.
Conflict: It is sort of a conflict between different religions and races.

6: The UN are campaining for a record £70million.
Facts in the story:
They say that the money is needed to help 90million people suffering in conflict.
News Values:
Balance: It is neither good nor bad so it is used to balance out the negative news stories at the end of the news.

7: The Japanese Prime minister is set to visit pearl harbour.
Facts in the story:
This was the place in which the Japanese attacked the Americans.
He will become the first Japanese Prime minster to visit the memorial.
News Values:
Elite People: It involves the Japanese Prime minister.
Personalisation: Its a nice story that represents the peace.
Balance: It may be used to balance out the negative stories that have been presented previously in the news.

Thursday 1 December 2016


To conclude, after analysing many local and national, there was a variety of news values being used. When analysing some of my news articles, some did not have all 5W's which I was concerned about. Mostly the articles I found are from BBC News but wanted to change it so I went on different websites. I did this because I wanted to see what other conventions which other websites used. After doing all this research and analysation, I understand what I must now include and not to include in my news bulletin.